Power BI DAX Webinar | Why Do My DAX Formulas Return Wrong Results? | M365 Chicago

In this webinar, I showed how to find and fix DAX formulas errors in Power BI. Learn why your DAX formulas return wrong results and how to identify the problems and correct them. 

DAX is a powerful language that can make the tasks of data analysis and reporting in Power BI and Excel easier. However, it can also be confusing and difficult to work with for those who are new to it. 

In this webinar I demonstrated some of the common dax mistakes that people often make when they are using DAX and how to avoid them. Evaluation context in Power BI is a complex but crucial component of DAX. It can result in wrong calculations and inaccurate reporting if it is wrongly applied. 

You will learn about common mistakes that occur due to incorrect application of filter context, row context, context transitions, iterators, and expanded tables. The mistakes tackled here are due to incorrect application of the DAX CALCULATE function and CALCULTE modifiers such as ALLSELECTED, ALL, ALLEXCEPT, REMOVEFILTERS.

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