How to Make ELEGANT In Page Navigation with Power BI Bookmark Navigator

The Power BI Bookmark Navigator is a new feature that can be used to create an elegant in page navigation for your Power BI dashboards. It’s the perfect solution if you want to provide your users with quick access to different views within your dashboard to switch between different bookmarks in Power BI. 

In this video, I’m going to show you how to make a very attractive in-page navigation in Power BI using BOOKMARK NAVIGATOR. Follow the steps and let’s learn how to make this awesome feature.

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2 thoughts on “How to Make ELEGANT In Page Navigation with Power BI Bookmark Navigator”

  1. Thanks for the introduction! What about the performance effects in terms of data load, having multiple layers of visualizations by e.g. selecting a slicer value or a filter value – will always everything be loaded or only the currently visible?

    1. Hi Oliver,
      Performance depends on the number of visuals you include on your tooltip page. It’s always better to have few visuals. When the tooltip page is displayed, it’s filtered by the current filter context

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